Showed this picture to Salma yesterday-Yo has it on her website. Guess what she said when I asked her who was the girl in the middle...dia kata Salma! Same silly smile I guess. How'd my daugther end of more like her aunt than her mother?
Another picture of Salma, she said she's wearing a costume. She'd make a cute Digi model..haha
Yo, tu low quality ones..mmg that's the size i think.hehe..su kecikkan guna photoshop :P
Gamba digi mascot tuh salma looks more like kodeng la hihi
Anyway, bet ur loving your life now huh!! Really admire ur courage ;)
Btw, foodtalk blog tuh update la, sure u byk resepi nak share, esp ones with limited resources before giant dibuka 'tidak' lama lagi..haha