Sunway Gagoon and The Zon
All the way to and back from KL Salma kept saying "Salma nak pergi Sunway Gagoon and The Zon" macam a broken record. She kept repeating it over and that we're back in Kerteh I thought she would stop but noooo..siap packing stuff lagi to go to Sunway Gagoon tu! So we're planning on going to a waterpark in Kuantan this cuti raya.There's the big Gambang Waterpark and then there's another place called Sempurna Resort which has a nice kiddies pool. Haven't decided on which one to go to, Gambang looks a lot more fun but semestinya my husband prefers the cheaper one..haha. We'll wait and see...
Salma still "Jealous" ke?
Hehe. teringat time u guys datang rumah =)