Hanan @ 5 months

Yesterday Hanan had her 5 month's injection and her polio drops. She weighed 6.7kg, only a 300g increase since our last visit which was 2 months ago. She still looks chubby but that's just too low. I guess we better increase her solid food intake.

Salma also had to visit the doctor as she complained of pain in her left ear. When the doc checked she said takde nampak apa-apa, possibly infection as she's also having selsema. But on the way back I asked Salma whether her ears still sakit. She answered, dah pegi doctor dah.

Salma now joins the kids on the block main petang-petang. Usually she's all shy, now she loves the attention that the bigger girls give her. Normal jugak cik salma ni.

Oh, Hanan loves peek-a-boo games. Asik gelak-gelak. So fun now that she knows how to respond. She can also sit on the couch without tumbling over. On the bed belum master lagi.


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