Salma goes green

Adik copying Salma..and there's Hanan's new guitar. Bought it after the visit to the hospital. Hanan would make me play the guitar and sing
Hanan: I yau you
Me: I love love me...
Hanan: Roun roun..
Me: The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Hanan: e-i-o
Me: Old McDonald had..
Hanan: Tittle tittle star
Me: Twinkle twinkle little star...
Hanan: I yau you...

She never lets me finish!hehe..
Salma's new look for next!We picked up the school uniform early this week when we went for registration. She'll be wearing baju kurung and sports attire during the sports day I guess. They offered pinafore but only for non muslims, I was hoping she could wear that. I don't like the idea of her wearing baju kurung everyday because it means that I need to do more ironing! :P I think the kids would be more comfortable wearing the sports attire aje..and Salma really loves it because of the rainbow printed on it. When I said I wanted to take her picture, terus pose but with her back to me...hehe. She's currently obsessed with rainbows and anything pink!
Hanan's really good at peeling eggs. That one was for Salma's breakfast. Tekun betul :)


hleni said…
wonder cemana salma nyer morning habit nanti:)) adik pia sampai la ni consistently throw her tantrum...
suria said…
hehehe..itula kak leni..actually early this year dah try dah sekolah..tapi su tak larat nak cope dengan tantrums dia every morning..tried for 2 weeks..tapi masatu dia baru 3 thn suku..ehehe..this time round kena pegi gak, dah besar dah
Ila said…
su...lama tak tgk blog su...
nice pic...yang heading tu...
soooo sweeet...^_^

take care dear...
himey said…
bagus gile peel utk kakaknye bekfes..amat membantu
suria said…
haha...last2 dia yg makan pulak..kena buat another one for salma

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