Hadi (skinny) & Su (weird)
Happy Anniversary!
Love always =)
Pendapat saya tentang perkahwinan ini pada tahun 2010:
After 7 years of being married, I can no longer get mad at my husband when he does something wrong, because I know him like the back of my hand, that before he even does something wrong I already know he would do it, so by not saying anything in the first place, everything becomes my fault! :P
Wahhh.. dah 7 years ye? sekejap je kan.
i couldn't help but laughed when i read what you wrote. well, what can i say except that we're in the same boat. nak cakap 'i told you so pun tak guna kan'?!
anyway, this kind of things happen when you marry your best friend, your soul mate. trust me, i know coz i married one too hehhehe...
I think its vice-versa for the man too..the husbands get better at manhandling the wife, LOL
photo ni cam familiar. was this the time we went picnic ramai2 satu batch tu?
khairi..kodeng tak boleh manhandle me, I've learned all the counter measures.hah
yup faz, kat lake yang macam pantai tu..i forgot the name